Our commitment to the evolving digital technology drives your operational and business results!
MPASS is developing innovative technological solutions for the broad Digital space, investing in its own sophisticated platforms since 2007, that deliver operational efficiency , performance excellence and higher revenue volumes for our clients.
Our Services
Help Your Business Win!
Our awards and recognitions

Gold Award for Innovative & Interactive digital marketing e-volution Awards 2017
(AB Touchpoint Infokiosks Service)

Gold Award for the 1st worldwide airport chatbot service e-volution Awards 2017
(ATH Messenger chatbot- Athens International Airport)

Bronze Award e-volution Awards 2016
(ATH Messenger chatbot)

Gold badge Tourism Awards 2015
(“VisitGreece” application)

Digi.travel distinction 2016
(“Navarino Challenge” chatbot)

Bronze Award- e-volution Awards 2015
(“PameOdeon” VOD)

Mobile World Congress 2016
(awarded for the integrated and innovative lead generation and engagement solutions based on the Internet of Things)

1st place -Smart City Expo & Conference Awards 2023-#energos_politis initiative
(Engagement & Gamification platform)