AB Touch Point Infokiosk App

AB Vassilopoulos, a leading factor of Greek food retailing market, is partnered for more than 10 years with MPASS, in order to capitalize on mobile and interactive infokiosks channel and launch multiple personalized and targeted campaigns to loyalty members, but also enriched content to its customers

MPASS has designed, developed and launched and also,supports the ‘AB touch point’ service, which is materialized via interactive infokiosks. These infokiosks areplaced in 400 AB branches, in order to offera new digital touch point between AB Vassilopoulos and customers. Offered by MPASS as a turn key solution, the ‘AB touch point’ service has attracted an increased attention from AB customers and loyalty members, and is now positioned as the largest customer engagement project in Greece in terms of participants and offered services.

AB tuch point kioski
AB Vassilopoulos Touchpoint

AB Vassilopoulos Touchpoint

Through the 'AB touch point' infokiosks, AB promotes and schedules the activation of:

The ‘AB touch point’ infokiosks are, also, used to promote useful content, regarding generic offers, continuity programs, promo leaflets and other digital campaigns.

AB touchpoint infokiosk!