Building an AR Wayfinding App

MPASS delivers an innovative AR way-finding solution that uses a variety of IoT sensors and handsets’ image data to increase accuracy

Professional services and solutions

Satellite based navigation is a great tool, but for small-scale and indoor navigation is not the optimum solution to support the required highest accuracy.

On the other hand, Custom 3D mapping solutions require expensive hardware and are usually an unrealistic scenario for many multi-level businesses such as airports, shopping malls, etc

MPASS Ltd, has designed an innovative augmented reality indoor way-finding solution that addresses this issue. This solution uses a variety of IoT sensors and obtains sensor and image data from the user’s device.  The fusion of these data allows to precisely identify the user’s location in real-time and guide him/her to an asked destination.

Promotional or operational notifications enhance the augment reality experience 

An integrated content management (CMS) system allows the configuration of promotional messages that enhance users experience during the guided navigation and boosts purchases from nearby retail shops and F&Bs. This CMS additionally manages operational notifications that will be displayed on the Handset app.

All the service is supported by easily to be configured wireless sensors, in conjunction with secure cloud managing services.


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