opap casino

MPASS and OPAP’s Newest Venture “PS Magic Land”

MPASS Ltd collaborated with OPAP SA to deploy the “PS Magic Land” experience for all Pamestoixima.gr players, so as to receive guaranteed prizes and rewards while competing live against other users. The player can access promotions, leaderboards, tier lists, prizes, and more! There are promos that grant points to each player when completed, tier list […]
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FTE awards

MPASS shortlisted for the Future Travel Experience CX Awards

MPASS Ltd is one of the shortlisted candidates to claim the Best New Customer Experience Concept Award at the Future Travel Experience Innovate Awards this spring in Dublin. The initiative we will present is FRAwards, an enhanced Engagement & Gamification experience for travelers. MPASS Ltd collaborated with Fraport AG and Deutsche Lufthansa AG, two global […]
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augment reality

The Power of AR Technology in Customer Engagement

AR increases engagement. Fallacy or Reality? AR uses digital technology to superimpose computer-generated material on the physical neighboring environment, therefore increasing the user’s impression of their surroundings and creating unique and advanced experiences. Companies employ AR technologies to accomplish a breakthrough from traditional advertising and promoting methods by combining entertainment with the generation of new […]
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The FRAwards Gamification Experience Launched at Frankfurt Airport

Are you ready to fly? Fraport AG and Deutsche Lufthansa AG, two global leaders, through their joint venture FraAlliance GmbH, are collaborating with MPASS Ltd to offer a unique Engagement and Gamification experience at Frankfurt Airport.  The so-called FRAwards experience, capitalizes on MPASS platform’s call-to-action, engagement, and gamification mechanisms to upgrade the traveler’s experience, to highlight and evaluate the services offered by the two companies, to promote new […]
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MPASS serves as Silver Sponsor of the WAF 2022

We’re pleased to announce that MPASS is a Silver Sponsor of the World Aviation Festival 2022, that will take place on 4-6 October in Amsterdam. The World Aviation Festival is the world’s most important aviation technology conference and exhibition. The event is for the leaders of the world’s airlines, airports and their most senior executives […]
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Cooperation between MPASS and Fraport & Lufthansa

MPASS announces its collaboration with Fraport AG and Deutsche Lufthansa AG, two leader companies in their field, and their partnership FraAlliance. The aim of this collaboration is to utilize MPASS Engagement platform, in order to update travelers’ experience, highlight and promote services offered by the two companies, promote the available new digital services and stimulate […]
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chatbot-aegean mysocialpass

MPASS upgrades the chatbot management platform

The updated NLP engine supports misspellings and Greeklish: MPASS continues to provide and upgrade the “mysocialpass” chatbot management platform to the Greek and international market. The mysocialpass platform is a fully integrated solution for the design, configuration, launch and management of a smart digital and virtual assistant in multiple communication channels (Facebook messenger, Viber, Twitter, […]
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Minoan Lines Multichannel Campaign Management & Automation

Minoan Lines reach multichannel campaign strategy via MPASS Fideli.be platform for SMS and Viber messaging; A reliable and high-speed service for booking confirmations, announcements & alerts about itineraries, marketing and content distribution. MPASS Fideli.be platform supports global and multiple channel reach, that accelerates the Minoan Lines approach towards any channel communication strategy. Fideli.Be offers . Single […]
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Nestlé Facebook Messenger Chatbot APPS

Using the MPASS “mysocialpass” chatbot management platform, Nestlé scheduled various promo and call-to-action activities with contests, videos, quizzes and tips for products such as Nestlé Dessert, Fitness Cereals,
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