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MPASS and OPAP’s Newest Venture “PS Magic Land”

MPASS Ltd collaborated with OPAP SA to deploy the “PS Magic Land” experience for all Pamestoixima.gr players, so as to receive guaranteed prizes and rewards while competing live against other users.

The player can access promotions, leaderboards, tier lists, prizes, and more! There are promos that grant points to each player when completed, tier list (from Bronze to Platinum), guaranteed weekly prizes, and a history” page where a player can see how many points earned. 

Following OPAPs business and operational requirements, a fully flexible and responsive web service was delivered based on the MPASS Engagement and Gamification platform. This platform was also customized to deliver a user-friendly CMS (Content Management System) with a variety of unique and useful features. The web interface is fully customizable through this CMS from where the OPAP team has full access to define and manage prizes, promos, tiers, content and theming.

MPASS provides innovative services in the broad digital transformation space, for customers’ long-lasting engagement and loyalty, therefore for increasing revenues and profits for our clients. 

Find more about the Project,  Visit Magic Land