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  • MPASS proudly announces the continuation of FRAwards, with our valuable partner FRaAlliance GmbH

MPASS proudly announces the continuation of FRAwards, with our valuable partner FRaAlliance GmbH

In late 2022, MPASS collaborated with FraAlliance GmbH – the joint venture of Fraport AG and Deutsche Lufthansa AG – to offer an enhanced Engagement and  Gamification experience for everyone traveling through Frankfurt’s Airport, tilted FRAwards.  MPASS and FRaAlliance are proud to announce the continuation of this initiative to its Second Phase, the FRAwards 2.0 !

This new enhanced experience is available as a web application and via interactive infotainment kiosks. The  MPASS Passenger Engagement and Gamification SaaS Platform was customized to enhance travelers’ experience, to highlight and promote the services offered by the two companies, to collect valuable feedback, and to stimulate travelers’ consumer behavior. 

FRAwards engages users to participate in call-to-action games, lucky challenges, and surveys so as to complete assignments and collect virtual points that can be redeemed directly on the airport’s retailers, e-shops and F&Bs stores. In that sense, we provide travelers with a sense of involvement, participation, and success when they achieve their objectives. Happy passengers spend more, so capitalizing on the benefits of our engagement platform, we turn passenger waiting time to profit for airlines & airports.

The results we have obtained so far are impressive. 61% of the users who participated in the initial call-to-action engagement, are registered.  40% of them created a fully customizable profile and answered questions in regards to their traveling habits. Moreover, 39% of the registered users have gathered enough points to redeem at least one discount coupon, or voucher on affiliated retail shops, e-shops and F&Bs. The registered user can find a plethora of vouchers at the platforms’ Marketplace section. 35% of the registered users have answered at least one survey concerning the airports and airlines services. And finally on average, a registered user spends around 16 minutes on the engagement scenarios.

With the recognition of such continuous improvements and upgrades, we have FRAwards 2.0 and it is currently live. An attracting feature that we briefly introduced with FRAwards 1.0 and we will carry on creating are Augmented Reality Games.

In addition to the AR games, 3D games will also be customized and offered, game tournaments will be also offered to create battles and competition between players, and also new casual games will be designed and activated. These new features on FRAwards 2.0 will enhance the experience offered to Passengers, increasing engagement and boosting their participation on promotional and commercial campaigns.

Discover the experience of our Engagement & Gamification Platform, Frawards