MPASS mission is to merge the two worlds, Digital Technology and Business Processes, with the view to assist an organization in redesigning its relationship with customers, citizens, or consumers and contribute to accelerate efficiency, excellence and profitability.

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72 Spaton Ave., Gerakas, GR15344, Attica, Greece
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MPROS: The New Proximity Marketing Solution by MPASS LTD

MPASS Ltd has launched mProS , an innovative Proximity and Geo-fencing Sales & Marketing turn-key solution which enables retailers, traders and marketers …

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Community Survey on ICT Usage in Households by Individuals

A survey was conducted by InfoSociety S.A. at the Q4 of 2013 regarding the use of new technologies and the …

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MPASS Featured at the Mobile Marketing Conference

MPASS was featured and was among the official sponsors in a series of events that took place in July 2014, …

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How Marketers Should Exploit Proximity Marketing to Engage Audiences

Given the ongoing growth in digital access and as mobile devices have become a pivotal part of modern society’s lifestyle, …

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Proximity Marketing and the RED BULL Campaign Case Study

Proximity Marketing is a great tool for retailers to reach a broad range of consumers through their mobile devices near …

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AB Vassilopoulos continues partnership with MPASS

Vast numbers of employees now work remotely, and it’s too late to develop a set of remote-work policies if you …

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  • September 3, 2014

MPROS: The New Proximity Marketing Solution by MPASS LTD

MPASS Ltd has launched mProS , an innovative Proximity and Geo-fencing Sales & Marketing turn-key solution which enables retailers, traders and marketers to reach broad audiences with rich, context-relevant, location – based…
  • September 2, 2014

Community Survey on ICT Usage in Households by Individuals

A survey was conducted by InfoSociety S.A. at the Q4 of 2013 regarding the use of new technologies and the Web in Greece. From the survey several key findings can…
  • September 1, 2014

MPASS Featured at the Mobile Marketing Conference

MPASS was featured and was among the official sponsors in a series of events that took place in July 2014, namely the Mobile Marketing Conference, the 360° Data Forum and…

How Marketers Should Exploit Proximity Marketing to Engage Audiences

Given the ongoing growth in digital access and as mobile devices have become a pivotal part of modern society’s lifestyle, retailers and brands now need to consider adapting new marketing…

Proximity Marketing and the RED BULL Campaign Case Study

Proximity Marketing is a great tool for retailers to reach a broad range of consumers through their mobile devices near the point of sale and deliver relevant and targeted content…

AB Vassilopoulos continues partnership with MPASS

Vast numbers of employees now work remotely, and it’s too late to develop a set of remote-work policies if you didn’t already have one. But there are ways to make…