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New Interactive Gamification Platform by MPASS for AB Vassilopoulos

The AB Plus & Play gaming experience section based on MPASS gamification platform after 3 million games played by more than 300.000 AB plus card owners in 5 years is now renewed! Interactive functionalities offer a more advanced and exceptional experience to all customers using the service to win extra AB Plus points, through ΑΒ Touchpoint kiosks, online in site […]
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“TV STAR” Mobile and Smart TV APP

The challenge The emergence of today’s demanding consumers puts new requirements and expectations on the TV and media experience. There are three specific areas that influence a consumer’s service experience: great content, flexibility, and a high-quality overall experience. The traditional TV and media offering, with standard channels product, is challenged by consumers. Half of consumers […]
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Excelixi Trusts “GAIMING” Platform and MPASS

Excelixi Center of Sustainable Entrepreneurship of Piraeus Bank group in collaboration with MPASS Ltd has successfully completed the training program “Excelixi-me” for farmers. The program was conducted through the gamification platform “Gaiming”, provided and developed by Mpass. It is worthy to mention that this is the second time Excelixi selected “Gaiming” platform for a large-scale training-related program.  The […]
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Η MPASS Ενισχύει την αγοραστική εμπειρία των πελατών της ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος μέσα από τις Πλατφόρμες FIDELI.BE και GAMIFICATION

Τα ΑΒ touch points είναι διαδραστικά σημεία επικοινωνίας με τον πελάτη μέσα στα καταστήματα ΑΒ, συνδυάζοντας ένα πλήθος δυνατοτήτων που συμβάλλουν στην ενίσχυση της αφοσίωσης και της σχέσης πιστότητας της ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος με τους πελάτες της. Βασίζονται στις πλήρως συμβατές με το GDPR καινοτόμες πλατφόρμες Fideli.Be και Gamification της MPASS η οποία παρέχει ολοκληρωμένες και καινοτόμες τεχνολογικές λύσεις με […]
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The MPASS Exploriot Platform Presented at Digital October: Customer day 2017 in Moscow

MPASS Ltd continues to drive market focus on reinventing customer experience and personalization by participating in Digital October: Customer Day 2017 conference that took place in Moscow on late September. Digital October: Customer Day 2017 is one of the most prominent conferences dedicated to Customer Experience with the participation of more than 400 professionals and […]
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Press Releases: MPASS Participated in “NAVARINO CHALLENGE” by developing the first “TIMEKEEPER” CHATBOT

The World Aviation Festival (WAF) is the world’s most important aviation technology conference. In fact, is the #1 digitalization event for the leaders of the airlines, airports and travel agencies. In the 2021 event, over 6,000 professionals have attended. MPASS had the opportunity to meet important players of the aviation ecosystem, to discuss and share […]
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Δελτίο Τύπου: Εμπειρία ΑΒ GAMES από την MPASS

Η ΑΒ λανσάρει την εμπειρία των Games σε όλα τα AB Touchpoints με την πλατφόρμα Gamification της MPASS Η ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος, εταιρεία ηγέτης στο χώρο του λιανεμπορίου, γιορτάζει τα 20 χρόνια της κάρτας πιστότητας ABPlus με πλούσιες προσφορές και πολλούς επιπλέον πόντους για τους πελάτες της! Ανάμεσα στις ενέργειες προώθησης η ΑΒ, λανσάρει εμπειρίες παιχνιδιών […]
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ATHmessenger Chatbot through twitter with Athens International Airport

After the successful launching of the ATHMessenger chatbot via Facebook – the first worldwide chatbot service providing live information for airports through Facebook Messenger – Athens International Airport (AIA) and MPASS cooperated to extend the AirMessenger service on Twitter. The new channel aims to enhance the experience of all the AIA visitors and passengers even […]
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MPASS Demonstrated in MWC2016 RECEIVED AWARD

On April 21 at the 6th Congress Infocom Mobile World, the MPASS Ltd was awarded for the integrated and innovative lead generation and engagement solutions based on social media and Internet of Things, demonstrated during the MWC2016, the world’s largest gathering for the mobile industry, held annually in Barcelona. The award was received by the CEO of the […]
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