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Minoan Lines Multichannel Campaign Management & Automation

Minoan Lines reach multichannel campaign strategy via MPASS Fideli.be platform for SMS and Viber messaging; A reliable and high-speed service for booking confirmations, announcements & alerts about itineraries, marketing and content distribution. 

MPASS Fideli.be platform supports global and multiple channel reach, that accelerates the Minoan Lines approach towards any channel communication strategy. Fideli.Be offers .

  • Single platform for scheduling SMS and Viber campaigns
  • Automation management for transactional SMS/Viber after a specific event; booking, boarding communication, updates about an itinerary, weather alerts.
  • Viber fallback to SMS messages for cost optimization
  • Personalized and unique content (for scheduled & automated SMS/Viber messages)
  • Real time delivery & engagement statuses (open, seen, click links)
  • Worldwide messaging; any provider, any nation, any country