AB Increase Basket Size Campaigns
AB Vassilopoulos, a leading player of Greek food retailing market, was looking for a campaign management tool to strengthen the engagement and reward loyalty program members, as well as, to increase their basket value per visit.

Through the AB TOUCHPOINT infokiosks turn key solution and the MPASS engagement and campaign management platforms, targeted promotional activities where scheduled based on the basket value of the loyalty members over a time period.

On each basket increase scheduled campaign, for each loyalty member in the target group a specific spend goal was activated.
Loyalty members that participated, were rewarded with extra shopping vouchers, when their spend goal was achieved.
Based on the MPASS AB TOUCHPOINT infokiosks, and the engagement and campaign management platforms, several basket increase campaigns were scheduled and parameterized on different target groups and goals per participant, addressing complex business requirements by offering full flexibility in configuring the campaign rules.