loyalty awards

AB Vassilopoulos & MPASS won the Gold at the Loyalty Awards for the “AB Plus Games” platform

AB Vassilopoulos & MPASS won first place at the Loyalty Awards, thus receiving the Gold medal for the “AB Plus Games: The interactive Engagement & Gamification platform”. MPASS’ service, the Engagement & Gamification platform, was customized with the valuable help and trust of the AB Vassilopoulos team. Our collaboration with AB Vassilopoulos, a leading factor […]
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FTE awards

MPASS shortlisted for the Future Travel Experience CX Awards

MPASS Ltd is one of the shortlisted candidates to claim the Best New Customer Experience Concept Award at the Future Travel Experience Innovate Awards this spring in Dublin. The initiative we will present is FRAwards, an enhanced Engagement & Gamification experience for travelers. MPASS Ltd collaborated with Fraport AG and Deutsche Lufthansa AG, two global […]
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