AB Alfavitaki Chatbot

AB Vassilopoulos, a leading player of the Greek food retailing market, provides a new digital experience through the “Alfavitaki” Facebook Messenger chatbot application, designed and maintained by the ChatBiz Hub service of MPASS.

5. Mobile ABητάκι

The “Alfavitaki” chatbot application is part of the omnipresent digital experience that AB loyalty customers receive in order to:

Capitalizing on the popularity of the widely used social media channels, the “AlfaVitaki” chatbot application delivers a platform for AB Vassilopoulos to digitally interact with customers and loyalty program members in real time, boost engagement, while promoting brand loyalty.

ChatBiz Hub offers AB Vassilopoulos a unique platform for managing customer flow and content, scheduling promotional and point rewarding campaigns, launching game mechanisms according to commercial and marketing plans and activating surveys and other call-to-action campaigns.

Visit Alfavitaki chatbot Here!