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The “Advanced Information and Passenger Assistance Services via an Augmented-solution Gateway” National Funded Project

The goal of the AI-PASAG (Advanced Information and Passenger Assistance Services via an Augmented-solution Gateway) project is the utilization of innovative technologies and the acquisition of new knowledge for the development of a new platform, called the AI-PASAG Gateway, which will provide advanced and accurate information services to passengers. These new services will be capitalized on advanced technologies and solutions, such as Virtual Reality and Internet of Things for optimizing indoor navigation (wayfinding), Natural Language Processing focusing on flight information to enhance the experience offered through social networks’ channels and mobile apps. 

The objectives of the project are multifarious.

  • Create a business environment through which direct and accurate information and updates are provided to passengers at the right place and the right time. 
  • Provide a sophisticated service portal with aggregated information from different sources (flights, gates, maps, signs, images, etc), focusing on helping and supporting passengers.
  • Provide additional benefits such as improvement of queues and delays at check-in. 

To fulfill the AI-PASAG’s objectives, three organizations have joined forces: 

  • The Computer Science Dept of the Athens University of Economics and Business
  • The Athens International Airport
  • The MPASS Ltd 

The methodological approach that followed divided the work plan into cascading working modules, such research and design, implementation, prototyping, integration, testing and evaluating, of the information system platform (the AI-PASAG Gateway), which is the prime deliverable of the project. 

The information ecosystem also includes a mobile application (native client application on Android), as well as social media applications on Viber and FB Messenger channels. 

This project was funded by the Greek General Secretariat for Research and Innovation (GSRI) under the Thematic Objective “Strengthening research, technological development and innovation” and passed the final evaluation, since it successfully delivered all the major research, information systems’, and dissemination objectives.