Kids Love Knossos Mobile App
Kids Love Greece organization is an online portal providing detailed information and tips to tourists that consider Greece as a vacation destination to their families

The team’s first attempt was to try and find a way to provide a unique experience. Both to the children and their families, during their visit to the spectacular Palace of Knossos.
MPASS has partnered with Kids Love Greece organization. In an effort to design and deliver the first entertaining and educative interactive audio stories IOS application for the Palace of Knossos. An application named “Kids Love Knossos”. As a result, young users are able to be taken back in time to the glorious era of the ancient Minoan civilization, via a fairy tale narrative from Glaucus and his little sister Phaedra. Additionally, children can enjoy ‘A walk in Knossos’. Also they can meet characters like, the dreadful Minotaur, the giant Talos, Icarus and Daedalus, the beautiful Ariadne and of course the brave Theseus. The stories are suitable for children of all ages and last 60 minutes, consisting of 16 sections.