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  • AB Touch Point: AB’S in-store interactive point of communication, haw just been renewed

AB Touch Point: AB’S in-store interactive point of communication, haw just been renewed

Following the success and great customer acceptance of interactive info kiosks in AB stores for more than three years, AB decided to refresh its “AB touch point” logo and kiosks’ branding and provide a renewed image. The rebranding of the service and the new visuals are in accordance with AB Vassilopoulos new store and digital channel branding. While the image of the service has changed, the value proposition remains the same: “exceptional customer engagement and long-lasting and rewarding customer relationship”.

The rebranding of the kiosks and the renewal of the application was successfully completed in July.

MPASS supported the integration and cooperated with AB in order to deliver a new updated service which now provides:

  • Extra AB Plus points from coupons you may print and for which you receive SMS on your mobile phone
  • Browsing of current offers, continuity programs, AB Plus benefits, banking co-operations & other synergies
  • Ideas for recipes, for which you can print & send by e-mail ingredients and instructions
  • Browsing of available services in store and neighboring points of interest
  • Info about ABs’ digital world
  • Complete short questionnaires & Contact form
  • AB job application form if you’re interested in joining AB’s workforce

The AB touch point kiosk available in 70 stores is an interactive point of communication between AB and AB’s customers. 

The service uses innovative technology and is fully designed and supported by MPASS.

For more info about AB touch point click here