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ATHmessenger Chatbot through twitter with Athens International Airport

After the successful launching of the ATHMessenger chatbot via Facebook – the first worldwide chatbot service providing live information for airports through Facebook Messenger – Athens International Airport (AIA) and MPASS cooperated to extend the AirMessenger service on Twitter.

The new channel aims to enhance the experience of all the AIA visitors and passengers even more, by providing personalized live flight information through Twitter, as well as offers, shops and F&B notifications. The AirMessenger service, a joined initiative between AIA and MPASS, introduces personalized digital marketing and lead generation services over your customers preferred channels, the social media, exploiting new technologies for travelers and passengers.

By following @ATHMessenger on Twitter and mentioning @ATHMessenger along with the special #hashtags, or via direct message, the passenger receives flight updates and more. By typing #flight, and entering the flight number, the passenger receives in just a few seconds an accurate ifnrabout the status of the flight through a direct personalized message. This exclusive assistant service can also provide instant help by simply typing #help, or #info. And not only this! By entering #eatdrink, #shops, or #offers the passenger has access to immediate information about the latest offers and discounts of the airport shops, bars and restaurants and facilities.  

MPASS, a leading provider of state-of-the-art solutions in the retail, transportation, insurance market, mobile/telecom operators and service providers customizes chatbots to meet your business objectives and gaining additional value from your social media fan pages.